Books for Trade!


Some of you might know about the #booksfortrade that's currently going on on the twitterverse right now. If you don't, it's essentially what it sounds like: bloggers listing what sort of books they have to trade and what kind of books they want. Sounds fairly simple, right?

Sadly, there has been accounts on someone scamming other bloggers by taking their books but not returning their part of the trade. Very uncool! The purpose of this post is to, essentially, hopefully minimize from this ever happening again! Nothing's perfect, of course, but I feel like I should do my part to help put traders at ease. Sounds only fair.

I'll try to keep this post updated as much as I can. c:

Just an FYI ('cause I know there's been some confusion), I live in the US so no expensive shipping costs!

Pending Trades:


In Transaction:


Successfully Completed:

Most of these are the trades I barely recall and have only used twitter as my reference. If you are one of those people and feel like this list is inaccurate, please let me know!

2015 Trades:

Quality Fangirls (Nicole) - @QualityFangirls
Sent Out: [ARC]  A Court of Thorn and Roses, [ARC] Mortal Heart, [ARC] All The Rage, [ARC] Talon
Traded for: [ARC] Illuminae, Precious Blood, [ARC] Truth or Dare

Calla Walker - @CallaWalker
Sent Out: [ARC] Stray
Traded for: [ARC] Switched

Trades between 2013 - 2014:

Xander - @foreverbookish
Sent: I'll Meet You There
Traded for: [ARC] Talon

Ashley - @Ashwey562
Sent: Archetype
Traded for: Dreamland, Nerve, Keeping The Moon

Emma - @AwkwordlyEmma
Sent: [ARC] Cress, [ARC] Lady Thief, [ARC] Open Road Summer
Traded for: [ARC] ACOTAR, [ARC] Stray, [ARC] Seeker

Sara - @SaraMStuart
Sent: [ARC] Ask Again Later
Traded for: [ARC] Firebug, [ARC] All The Rage, The Girl Who Never Was,

If anyone's willing to trade with me, you can look me up on Twitter [Kallicalico] or [Goodreads]!

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